Terms & Conditions

All information, products, images etc. displayed on the website solely belongs to Zumvu and shall not be in any case copied, transferred, represented or used in any manner whatsoever without written consent of the firm. Any such action shall be considered unlawful and will be subject to legal action.

Use of any service (Reviews, Ratings etc.) will be subject to the rules & guidelines applicable to such service. Zumvu (zumvu.com) reserves the right to remove, change or question these information at its discretion and without any prior information to anyone.

Zumvu solely reserves the right to change, add, alter, remove, and edit any or all the contents of the site and the terms and conditions herein at its own discretion and without any information to others from time to time.

Except where additional terms and conditions are provided which are product specific, these terms and conditions supersede all previous representations, understandings, or agreements and shall prevail notwithstanding any variance with any other terms of any order submitted.

All information, products and services displayed on the website, belonging to Zumvu constitute an "invitation to offer". Your order for purchase constitutes your "offer" which shall be subject to the terms and conditions listed herein. Zumvu has the right to accept or reject your offer without assigning any reason thereof.

Zumvu reserves the right to add, delete, alter or modify these terms and conditions at any time. You are therefore advised to read carefully these terms and conditions every time you use the services of the website.